Artigos completos publicados em periódicos

1. FISCHER, G. S.; RIGHI, R. R. ; RODRIGUES, V. F. ; COSTA, C. A. . Use of Internet of Things With Data Prediction on Healthcare Environments. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF E-HEALTH AND MEDICAL COMMUNICATIONS, v. 11, p. 1-19, 2020.
2. FISCHER, G. S.; RIGHI, R. R. ; RAMOS, G. O. ; COSTA, C. A. ; RODRIGUES, J. J. P. C. . ElHealth: Using Internet of Things and data prediction for elastic management of human resources in smart hospitals. ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, v. 87, p. 103285, 2020.
3.FISCHER, G. S.RIGHI, R. R. ; RODRIGUES, V. F. ; COSTA, C. A. . A Systematic Literature Review of Data Forecast and Internet of Things on the E-Health Landscape. International Journal of Computational Medicine and Healthcare (IJCMH), v. 1, p. 34-58, 2019.
4.FISCHER, G. S.; RIGHI, R. R. ; COSTA, C. A. ; GALANTE, G. ; GRIEBLER, D. . Towards Evaluating Proactive and Reactive Approaches on Reorganizing Human Resources in IoT-Based Smart Hospitals. SENSORS, v. 19, p. 3800, 2019.
5. FISCHER, G. S.. Modelagem e Simulação de Filas de Atendimento em uma Agência Bancária no Rio Grande do Sul. REVISTA TECNOLÓGICA (UEM), v. 26, p. 121-135, 2017.
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Capítulos de livros publicados

1. FISCHER, G. S.; RIGHI, R. R. ; RODRIGUES, V. F. ; COSTA, C. A. . Use of Internet of Things With Data Prediction on Healthcare Environments: A Survey. Research Anthology on Convergence of Blockchain, Internet of Things, and Security. 1ed.: Management Association, Information Resources, 2022, v. 1, p. 778-798.
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